Valery Perry reflects on lessons from Bosnia and Herzegovina for negotiators seeking options to end the war in Ukraine, warning of the risks of interim arrangements that can be effectively manipulated by spoilers and made permanent, setting the scene for intentionally sustained political conflicts.
English Posljednji val ekstremnog oružanog nasilja u SAD je doveo do toga da u javnost dospjelo[…]
Valery Perry uses a “fill in the blank” template to reflect on the Groundhog Day media cycles that we see surrounding policy problems that have become impossible to solve due to various interests, eroding citizen trust in democracy in the process.
Senior Associates Kurt Bassuener and Toby Vogel warn in an article for Foreign Affairs that the[…]
Valery Perry was a guest on the public radio show, Connections with Evan Dawson for a[…]
Looking for Dayton follows 3 average guys from Sarajevo as they traveled to Dayton, Ohio, New York City and Washington DC to understand the role of Dayton in shaping their country.
DPC’s Valery Perry recently spoke with the Accountability Unit about her research and work over the[…]
Valery Perry discusses conflict resolution, extremisms and work in the Western Balkans with Shabnam Ahmed. Listen[…]
As US and EU emissaries summon BiH party leaders to push the Varhelyi Package, Kurt Bassuener & Toby Vogel write of how its contents are toxic – and why they must fail.