In this article for EU Observer, DPC’s Kurt Bassuener and IRMO’s Senada Selo Sabic assess that […]
On Monday July 6, DPC’s Valery Perry will give a lecture entitled “The road to the Dayton[…]
Ovog vikenda sam pročitala priču u The New York Times-u o roditelju koji posmatra kako njegov jedanaestogodišnji sin stvara viziju o tome na koji način bi se fiktivnom planetom najbolje upravljalo i vladalo, a kao dio školske domaće zadaće tokom COVID-ere…….
DPC Senior Associate Valery Perry ponders what political philosopher John Rawls might have thought about the recent Mostar “deal,” and how more just and inclusive processes could deliver better results.
Senior Associate Kurt Bassuener writes on US President Donald Trump’s use of polarization techniques familiar in the Balkans
A translation of a November 2019 blog on whistleblowers.
Signs that voter suppression efforts could be prominent in the US elections in November bring back memories of election observation in Bosnia in 1997, and reflect the high stakes of ballot battlegrounds
Postal service controversies in two NATO states provide a reminder of the need for meritocratic rather than party-driven public services
Renewed attention to a clip of Kurt Bassuener’s statement in the US House of Representatives in[…]